Nitika Travels

Your One-Stop Cab booking Service

Book cab for your special occasions , out station & local travel

Book your car

Outside Car Services in Delhi, Gurgaon, and Noida through glitztravel

More Locations

Convenient pick-up and drop-off at more locations, making your travels stress-free.

Airport Delivery:

Seamless travel starts with our punctual airport delivery service—have your car ready as soon as you land.

curbside delivery

Skip the counter and get on the road faster with our curbside delivery service, available at select locations.

24/7 support

Day or night, we're here to help. Our customer support team is available around the clock to assist you with any questions or issues.

Get Best Deals on Outstation Cab in Delhi

CARMin DrivePer KM
Ertiga250km₹18 per km
Dzire 250km₹15 per km
Innova Crysta250km₹22 per km
Fortuner250km₹50 per km
Kia Carens250km₹20 per km
Toyota Innova Hycross250km₹28 per km

Local Taxi Rates in Delhi ncr

Innova Crysta₹2500₹22
Kia Carens₹2200₹20
Toyota Innova Hycross₹3000₹28
8 Hr / 80 Km

how it works


select place & date

Choose your pick-up location and rental dates easily from our extensive list of options.


choose your car

Browse our fleet and select the perfect car for your journey, from economy to luxury models.


payment & Recieve

Securely book your car online and receive instant confirmation. All major credit cards accepted.


enjoy your trip

Pick up your car at the designated location and hit the road! Enjoy a hassle-free driving experience with AutoDrive.

our locations

Explore Glitztravel extensive network across the country. With over 52+ locations in 40+ states, we ensure that you’re never far from your next adventure. Whether you're exploring the bustling streets of Austin or taking a scenic drive through Dallas, Glitztravel is your trusted travel partner.






Vehicle Types
0 K



Why Book with Glitztravel?

Affordable and Reliable, best price in town
No hidden fees, no cancelation fee within 6hrs
Our team is available on a 24/7 basis to help you
Car Seat and Booster (infant & toddler) available upon request
Flight Tracking software to ensure wait-free, on-time service
Our professional experienced drivers will always arrive on-time

Glitztravel services

Experience the thrill of the drive with our exclusive supercar rental options. Perfect for special occasions or just because.
Travel in style and comfort with our premium luxury cars, featuring top-of-the-line amenities and smooth performance.
Seat back, relax, and let our professional chauffeurs take the wheel. Ideal for business travel, events, and more.